Teaching and Learning Night
Thank you to all of our stakeholder groups for a wonderful Teaching and Learning Night. Our students put forth an amazing array of projects for our community to see. Behind the scenes, this effort represents the culmination of many hours of hard work. Our students have demonstrated a Growth Mindset this year; showing a real dedication to continuous improvement, grounded in the belief that anything is possible with a full effort. A special thank you to our staff, many of whom spent late afternoons and evenings preparing for this event.
School Improvement Update
Please join our team at 3:30pm on Wednesday, May 15th in the Winsor library. We will review our success with the Responsive Classroom approach and craft the SIT plan for the 2019-2020 school year. This meeting, along with our year end meeting in June, will focus on keeping the momentum built this year moving forward for the 2019-2020 school year.
Winsor Yearbook
The Winsor yearbook is available for purchase. Please see the link below for more information.
Pennies For Patients
Our Pennies for Patients fundraiser is off to a great start. Please continue to find those loose coins to put into student boxes. As was promised to students, if our school can raise in excess of $2000- our students will have the opportunity to duct tape Mr. Ackerman to the wall of the cafeteria. Let's keep up the pace over vacation.
Book Fair
A great big THANK YOU to those that helped with Book Fair: Jodi Baranski, Stephanie Vingi, Maria Marrocco, Marissa Taibi, Nancy Toubia, Ellen Curran, Margaret Rossoni and Alicia Cafferty.
Winsor Pawsox Event
If you are interested in joining us for our Paw Sox game, the deadline has been extended through April 23rd.
What: Private Winsor BBQ Event, Paw Sox Baseball Game followed by Fireworks show “Most Improved Student Night”(all students in attendance can walk in a parade through the outfield prior to the start of the game….name, grade and school will be announced), Green Tent Private BBQ Space (all you can eat: chicken, hot dogs, burgers, mac & cheese, potato salad and an Ice Cream Bar) Parking lot near tent is first come first served, and our group is invited to sit on the field to watch the fireworks show after the game.
When: Saturday, May 18th, BBQ Starts at 4:15pm, Game Starts at 6:15pm Where: McCoy Stadium, 1 Columbus Ave, Pawtucket, RI 02860 Cost: $15 adults / $10 kids (ages 12 and under), all of the above included. Make checks payable to the Winsor PTO.
On behalf of our staff, we would like to wish all of our Winsor community a happy, healthy, and safe April recess. Thank you for being our partners in education.