Keeping Up With Kindergarten
It feels like spring is in the air this week! Our students enjoyed some extra sunshine during their science lessons!
3-2-1 Blast off! We have spent a lot of our math workshop time counting backwards and switching our brains from addition to subtraction. Before vacation, we worked on decomposing numbers and broke numbers into groups. Like “10 is 4 and 6”. “7 is 5 and 2”. This week we learned about subtraction through story problems and using counters. Students are focusing on number sentences such as “7 take away 5 is 2.” We also learned about the minus and equal sign.
This week our little scientists have turned into meteorologists! We are carefully studying the weather and recording our observations in our notebooks. Each day during morning meeting, we are making predictions too. We also explored what a thermometer does and how it helps us describe the weather.
Ms. Staruch’s class has also been studying the weather during Reading and Writing Workshop! We have read two non-fiction texts packed with information about the weather. We have learned about everything from types of clouds, air pressures, to cold and warm fronts! During writing we have been watching the real weather forecast from NBC 10 on the internet and have been writing about today and tomorrow’s forecast. We have gotten to see whether or not the meteorologist’s predictions were right or wrong.
In Mrs. Lakeway’s/Miss Quigley’s Reading and Writing Workshop, we are continuing our focus on nonfiction. Our Room 1 authors have used Type 1 writing to write or draw things they can tell facts about. Then, after reading some non fiction books on bees and penguins, we started writing down our facts. We took it a little further, and partnered up to do some research to learn even more facts. We used books and the computer for our research. We can’t wait to continue our research next week!
This week’s/ Last week’s sight words are: so, this, but, what, that, do,
Please keep those sight word papers coming! They are a great way to help your child master our Kindergarten sight words. If you are missing one, please email us and let us know. Occasionally, things get lost in the shuffle of dismissal time :-)
Learning and Fun in Grade One!
As the second trimester comes to a close, our first graders have been diligently working on completing end of trimester assessments and units in Math, Reading, and Writing.
The mad scientists of grade one had lots of fun “Egg-sperimenting”. Using vinegar and eggs, one egg was placed in a container with vinegar. The other egg was covered in toothpaste and placed in a different container with vinegar. Using the scientific method, our scientists made predictions and wrote the procedure. After 24 hours and much observation and even touching the eggs, the scientists discussed and wrote about the transformation of the eggs. Finally, they all came to a conclusion about what they learned from the egg-speriment. Make sure you ask your little scientist what he/she learned this week and what it means for their teeth. How egg-citing it was!!!!
In math, our topic has been reading and making graphs. Students have been using tally marks to collect data on a variety of surveys, making picture graphs, and using tables to problem solve.
Students continue to work on their animal informational writing. It’s amazing how much they have learned about their topics. They will be sharing them with you during teaching and learning night, April 7th.
Unit 9 in Fundations focuses on closed syllable words. A closed syllable has a short vowel followed by a consonant (or two) and is one clap (one syllable). It is important for our students to recognize a closed syllable because when the vowel is closed in at the end of the word, the vowel sound is short as in the words math and cat.
With almost 60 degree weather this past week, it felt like Spring! Could Spring be just around the corner??? Keeping our fingers crossed. Have a great weekend and make sure you put your clocks ahead this weekend. As always we thank you for your support and commitment to all we do in grade one.
What's New in Grade Two
Second grade was super "Seussical" this week!
We thoroughly enjoyed several of Dr. Seuss' classics. Including, but not limited to, The Cat and the Hat, Wacky Wednesday, Oh The Places You'll Go, Oh the Thinks You Can Think, and I Can Read With My Eyes Shut. Thank you to our 5th grade friends for celebrating Dr. Seuss with us on Monday.
As strong readers, we learned about the components of being a fluent reader. We talked about pacing, intonation, enthusiasm, volume, phrasing, and accuracy. In addition, we learned the importance of repeated practice to become more and more fluent. In teams of 3 or 4, we used sections of One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish to practice our fluency. We practiced, created props, and performed in front of our grade 2 team! The improvement in our reading fluency was phenomenal!
As mathematicians, we are wrapping up triple digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping. Also, we are working on two-step word problems. Next week, we start to learn about money.
In addition to practicing addition and subtraction facts, please take some time to discuss the different coins and their values.
Thank you very much to all the families that have sent in classroom supplies! It was a wonderful surprise! Your generosity is truly appreciated!
We have been working hard and keeping busy in grade three as we wrapped up February and raced into March! In Math, we have been working hard to learn the concepts of Perimeter and Area. The students have enjoyed the hands-on activities that have been used to help them grasp these new skills. They are now able to calculate the Perimeters and Areas of many different shapes as well as begin to use Algebra to solve more complex problems. It has been quite impressive to see how well they have mastered these new topics. Students continued to hone their research skills and read informational text as they prepared their National Park projects. Each student is now an expert about the attractions, wildlife, landforms, climate and challenges of a specific national park. Many students who completed their own fact books about their chosen park were also able to create a Google Slide presentation that they will be able to share with their classmates. In addition to reading about National Parks, students have been reviewing various reading skills that were taught earlier in the year and demonstrated their abilities on several reading “check ups” this week. In Science we have been excitedly exploring the world of hot and cold water. Students have worked with thermometers, observed interactions between water of different temperatures and have examined the properties of ice. Third graders always agree that Science is so much fun! We wish all of our third grade families a wonderful weekend!
Jump Rope for Heart is wrapping up and it has been a great Fitness February! Donations will still be able to come next week as they will be going to the American Heart Association soon thereafter. Thank you as always for supporting everything that we do! Our Winsor families always show huge support for this great cause. March Madness is upon us and students will be learning and enhancing their soccer skills in all classes. This should be another favorite for our students!
Learning More in Grade 4
In grade four, students are reading and writing to learn! During our reading and writing block, students completed their 2nd trimester assessment. They were asked to read two articles, underline important ideas, create a four square plan and then write a five paragraph essay describing the characteristics of a sea animal. They worked diligently to complete this task. We modeled several practice sessions with the students in order to get them ready for this big task. They have come a long way in their ability to write this year!
In social studies, we learned about the southern region of the US. Students learned about the land, climate, and history of this region. Next week, we start the Midwest. Students seem to enjoy learning about their country and can make many connections.
Working with decimals has been our math focus the past two weeks. Students see the relationship between fractions and decimals and are finding decimal practice easier then fraction work! Upcoming Star testing will indicate how comfortable students are with these concepts.
The Fabulous Five
In reading workshop, each class focused on identifying the power and resistance continuum between the characters in their historical fiction novels. Students were required to create a power continuum map on the characters in their novels. As they read their chapters, they had to decide at that moment in the novel which characters had the most/least power in that place and time and who is resisting the power structure. The students recorded their thinking on their maps. As they worked in their guided reading groups on this activity, it was amazing to observe how their discussions led to how they cleared up text confusions and that many students asked difficult questions that helped uncover things about the text that they didn’t previously notice.
We are also reading Number The Stars, by Lois Lowry, in reading workshop. The book takes place in Denmark during World War II when the country was occupied by Nazi Germany. The book depicts what life was like in Denmark during WWII through the everyday lives of two young girls. As part of our historical fiction unit and a connection to the book, we had Mrs. Eva Parrillo as a guest speaker on her native country of Denmark. We would like to thank Mrs. Parrillo for teaching us about Denmark and sharing stories of her family’s efforts during WWII. She gave us insightful information about Denmark and shared some of the artifacts from her native country, such as the Queen’s silverware! The students were very engaged to learn about this fascinating country!
As we continued our unit on adding and subtracting fractions, the students reviewed the difference between like and unlike fractions and worked on building conceptual knowledge using models. They learned the process of adding and subtracting like and unlike fractions using fraction tiles and the standard algorithm. A four-square method was introduced to help the students visualize and recall the process. This strategy proved to be useful as the students extended their skills to include adding and subtracting mixed numbers. In addition to finding exact sums and differences, the students expanded their estimation skills to include fractions and mixed numbers. Using benchmark fractions, they learned to round fractions to the nearest whole number and applied the skill to situations when an exact answer is not needed. We will end this unit by exploring strategies that can be used to multiply and divide fractions.
Winsor Music Makers
Save the date! The Winsor Spring Concert is scheduled for Thursday, April 30th at Smithfield High School at 5:30 pm. Stay tuned for more information, but please mark your calendars! It is the only event of the year where all Winsor students will come together to celebrate and show off what we’ve been working on in Music. The students have already been rehearsing, and we have some exciting performances planned!
I am also thrilled to announce that Winsor has five students singing in the Rhode Island All-State Elementary Chorus! We are so proud of our singers, and so excited that they (along with students from OCRS, McCabe, and Laperche) will be representing Smithfield! If you are interested in seeing the concert, it is taking place on Sunday, March 15th at Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Providence at 5:30 pm. Tickets are $10, and are available at or at the door.
As you can see, our Winsor musicians are very busy making music together. The students are working hard to prepare an outstanding performance for our Spring Concert, and I look forward to seeing everyone there!
Library News:
Students in Fourth Grade and Fifth Grade recently voted for their favorite 2020 Rhode Island Children Book Award (or RICBA) nominee. Their votes have been counted and sent in to the state. The favorite title both at William Winsor and throughout the state of Rhode Island will soon be announced. Ask your student how many titles they read and if they voted.
If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to the Winsor School library program, please don’t hesitate to call me at 949-2059.
Keep Reading!
Jennifer Swartz
Library Media Specialist
Art Update!
Please save the date for our Annual Winsor Art Show, which will be held on June 4th, 2020 in the Winsor Cafeteria!
Until then, please continue to check the Art and Design at OCRS & Winsor Facebook page for updates and photos of what is going on in art and design at Winsor!
Kindergarten students are exploring ocean life and the different oceans of the world through our "Under the Sea" mixed media project.
First grade students are finishing up "Flower Still Life Drawings" inspired by the story, "Van Gogh and the Sunflowers."
Second Grade Students are also being inspired by Vincent Van Gogh and learning about him while creating their own versions of "Starry Night." We are focusing and learning how to create feelings of movement and different moods through mark making.
Third Grade Students are still finalizing details with paint on their "Sea Life Sculptures."
Fourth Grade Students are doing "metal tooling" and creating figures in motion. They were able to choose an "action" that they do with their body on a regular basis.
Fifth Grade Students have been working diligently to get ready (in all aspects) for Fifth Grade FLAVA! The show will be held on March 24th at 12:30 PM! We are so excited!
Lastly, I will have a student teacher from RISD's MAT program teaching with me from March 30th through the end of May. Please join me in welcoming Ms. Antonelli into the Wonderful Winsor Community.
PE Update
Jump Rope for Heart is wrapping up and it has been a great Fitness February! Donations will still be able to come next week as they will be going to the American Heart Association soon thereafter. Thank you as always for supporting everything that we do! Our Winsor families always show huge support for this great cause. March Madness is upon us and students will be learning and enhancing their soccer skills in all classes. This should be another favorite for our students!
Enjoy your weekend...
Mr. M
Friendly Reminders:
1. When dropping students off in the morning, we ask that our cars pull all the way up to allow for multiple drop offs.
2. While we know that emergencies happen, please advise of transportation changes as early as possible to allow for a smooth dismissal routine.
3. Pennies for Patients starts on Monday. Boxes will be given out then. Please participate!
Thank you and have a great weekend!