February 20th, 2019
Dear Families:
Great news! Recess will be rocking at our school!
We are excited to be taking part in Recess Rocks in RI, an initiative to provide recess training for staff at schools around the state. Thanks to generous funding from Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, this free training is provided to us by Playworks, a national non- profit, to bring safe and healthy play to our school.
Playworks will equip our staff with the tools needed to create a positive recess experience for every one of our
students. By improving recess, we expect to see more positive student engagement, more fun play opportunities, and a reduction in negative incidences. The result - our students will be more active at recess, improve their social emotional skills, and return to the classroom ready to learn. Students are, and will continue to, learn the new games during Physical Education class.
Our school Recess Team is learning:
new group games
- recess systems designed to promote student inclusion
- new group management techniques to teach students how to play well together, resolve conflicts, and develop leadership skills
Our thanks to Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island for their investment in the health of RI’s school children, as well as Playworks and RI Healthy Schools Coalition for inviting us to participate in this important initiative! #LetsPlay #RecessRocksinRI
Brian Ackerman, Principal
William Winsor Elementary School